Sunday, November 7, 2010

Puppypawler breeders Attack Forget the Dog beware of the Breeders

It has been a long and hard battle for the Shorkie Club Of America and while we practice turning the other cheek with two breeders that have waged an all out war against us. I thought it was time the public heard from me personally. My name is Steffy and I am the person that started the Shorkie breed here in the USA almost 23 yrs ago and I am the founder of the Shorkie Club Of America. The videos on this site really were made so the public could hear from me personally.
Unfortunately over the last 4 years we have been under attack both personal and The Shorkie Club Of America from two breeders named Mileen Coulte of Mississippi, , and . The other breeder that works with this lady is Sherry Carte of Alabama Since these breeders applied to join the Shorkie Club Of America in 2006 and were declined membership based on their breeding practices. We require OFA,Cerf and Bile acid testing on the adults we breed and you must be an in home breeder inspected by a licenced third party vet yearly. Both of these ladies have facilities for their dogs and do no genetic testing. You will find that they both try and promote HYBRID VIGOR which means that you are taking a huge risk on any puppy you get.
Genetic testing is available for breeders to ensure they are producing healthy puppies that will not suffer from genetic issues and neither will the puppy parents that adopt them have to suffer emotionally with a unhealthy puppy. You can buy a 500.00 dog that ends up with 3000.00 worth of medical bills.So we wanted to address about these two ladies and let the public know what we have had to go through.
We understand that this slander exists but we also are ready to show the public that we also know the source from which is was spewed. We are called a puppy mill and puppy broker all the time .That is all they do is call names. But we have PROOF!!! that the public has the right to hear and see.

Court records and Newspaper articles.

Advertisements on BROKER WEBSITES! Videos of their own poor suffering dogs.. when the dog should be at a vet not in front of a video camera. So please join us on a journey of when


Mileen Coutle Mississippi breeder Busted as LOCAL DRUG DEAL She was arrested and charged and PLEAD GUILTY to drug trafficing charges.The local dope dealer More Court Documents coming soon
Sherry Carte of Alabama loosing animal abuse case. This dog is from
Then the breeder that owns Sherr Carter of blames loosing the case on the judge but read what her own vet wrote

Judge rules against her a court of law after her OWN VET writes a letter that she burned the eyes of the dog Letter from Sherry Carte Vet that states that Sherry burned the eyes of the dog.

Every thing you will ever see about me or the Shorkie Club Of America has been posted by Mileen Coulte or Sherry Carter of Alabama. But as I said we have all the proof you need from the courts!!

1 comment:

  1. Why are breeders so against genetically testing their dogs? It jsut amazes me that there are so many good things that have happened for dogs that breeders do not take advantage of it. Cerf testign can make sure your Shih Tzu doe not have eye issues and wont pass it on to the puppies,
    Bile acid testing for yorkies is so important!! Yorkies are the number one breed for liver
    So yes folks Shorkies can have liver shunts too!!!
